Customer Carbon Footprints

Your customer wants the total carbon footprint of the products they buy. We make it easy.

Today’s customers expect transparency in carbon emissions, and are increasingly requesting suppliers to provide the emissions of all products they purchase annually.

If your customers are seeking a carbon footprint spanning everything they purchase from you, we’ve got you covered.

The Problem with Standard Reporting

  • Lack of Granularity: Standard reports give an overall footprint, but customers need emissions data specific to their purchases.

  • Limited Insights: Spend-based estimates fail to reveal what drives emissions within broad categories.

  • Cost-Prohibitive Alternatives: Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for every product is expensive and often lacks the necessary supply chain connections.

JBE’s Excel-Based Customer Allocation Tool revolutionizes carbon accounting by utilizing data you already have, making it scalable, repeatable, and adaptable over time.

Give Your Customers What They Want

Our customer carbon footprints calculate the emissions associated with the exact products a customer purchases from your company within a given timeframe (often a fiscal year). Our approach enables:

Custom Results

Results can be calculated by product ID, product category (e.g., apparel, electronics), or any way that best suits your and your customer’s needs. We can also tailor the life cycle stages included in the carbon footprint to align with your customer's specific requirements.

Data Flexibility

We can accommodate data from diverse sources, including procurement records and product bills of materials. Our team will collaborate with you to gather precise, product-specific data to deliver comprehensive results rather than relying on broad financial estimates.


Unlike most carbon software out there, our calculations aren’t done in a black box. With your customer carbon footprint you’ll receive high-level results and our well-organized, complete calculation workbook. (You’re welcome to share what you’d like with your customer – that’s up to you!)

Updates Over Time

Your customer wants their carbon footprint year over year? Not to worry, we’re happy to provide annual updates and enhancements as better data becomes available.

How It Works

It’s as Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1 – Determine the Weights of your Products

  • Get the gross weight of each product

  • Estimate the relative percentages of the materials underlying the parts of your product


if you don’t have exact data, use published studies – focus on what weighs the most

Step 2 – Estimate the Major Materials

  • Identify and focus on highest mass contributor materials.

  • JBE will leverage impact factors from secondary datasets such as ANL GREET or ecoinvent


regionally adjust for materials like steel and aluminum which are strongly impacted by geography

Step 3 – Specify your Supply Chain

  • Map data to the location where the products are manufactured.

  • Assign data to individual customers based on the products they purchased


smart allocation makes for a smoother process (hint - JBE can help with that!)

Rather than relying on spend-based estimates, our tool employs an approximate mass approach, which is both practical and highly accurate

Take the Next Step

Join leading companies already leveraging our customer carbon footprints. Set up a free consultation to learn how we can help you meet customer demands and accelerate your sustainability journey.