Data Substitution Tool
Often process data contains gaps or instances where the meter is malfunctioning or displays erratic data at low rates of flow or values above its span
Selecting daily, monthly or annual data from the data historian will cause this data to skew calculated results significantly
The process of adjusting data must be well-documented and performed in such a way that accidentally using the adjusted results for a template will not occur
JBE has developed a set of formulas and a well-thought-out layout to display results clearly
Showing the “before” and “after” is critical
Showing why the change was made in an easy-to-read fashion speeds QA
Quantifying instances where erroneous subtraction is occurring and eliminating them is key to compliance
Filling in data where total emissions limits are in place is key to avoiding under-reporting performance
This approach is ideal for supporting adjustments in the face of audits
Failure to report exceedances properly is key to avoiding enforcement and potential penalties