Release Reporting Tool

Problem/Challenge - John Beath Environmental & Sustainability Consultants


  • In the rush to respond to an emergency, making a timely report is challenging given competing priorities

  • There is never enough time to locate process data required to apply RQ’s

Solution - John Beath Environmental & Sustainability Consultants


  • JBE’s prompt reporting tool is designed to gather up required process information so it is available in an emergency

  • Applying RQ’s can be complicated, especially if the staff member is not familiar with all environmental media

  • The release quantity estimate is applied to the situation based on the stored data, avoiding the need to locate data under pressure

JBE release reporting tool process - John Beath Environmental & Sustainability Consultants
JBE release reporting tool example - John Beath Environmental & Sustainability Consultants


  • Making timely and accurate release reports is key to avoiding enforcement and fines