
MES Sustainability Management - University of Waterloo, Canada

BASc Chemical Engineering, Specializing in Materials & Manufacturing - University of Waterloo, Canada

Gia Valappil, Sustainability Consultant

Years Experience: 4

Key Project Experience:

Life Cycle Assessment:

  • Livestock and Crop Production: Conducted several full and streamlined LCAs on systems such as controlled agriculture (hydroponics, aquaponics), beef, dairy, poultry, wheat

  • Consumer Products: Assessed product carbon footprint for products such as single-use plastics and supercomputing products

  • Custom Tools: Created a tool to compare emissions based enteric methane inhibitors used in beef production

GHG Inventory & Reporting:

  • Scope 1, 2, 3: Developed GHG inventories for clients in various industries, including tech, maritime operations, manufacturing, and semiconductors

  • Reporting: Supported clients through the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) season with preliminary scoring and enhancement recommendations

Industry Experience:

Livestock and crop production, controlled agricultural production, semiconductors, manufacturing