Your Carbon Journey

Starts Here

What to Expect

Project Scoping : We collaborate with your team to define the project’s boundaries, objectives, and deliverables, ensuring all stakeholders have a clear understanding and alignment from the start.

Data Collection : We handle your data in any format or file type, ensuring it seamlessly integrates into our systems and works effectively for your needs. Our priority is to get the best data possible while conserving your valuable time.

Data Rehabilitation & Calculations : Sit back and relax – you’re in good hands. Our team is skilled at complex data management and organization as well as experts in greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

Hot-Spot Analysis : We tailor our carbon hot spot analysis to identify and prioritize high-emission areas within your value chain, ensuring effective resource allocation amidst competing priorities.

Climate Strategy : We develop a customized strategy that mitigates your environmental impact, promotes sustainable development, and implements practical, economically viable solutions aligned with your company culture and stakeholder expectations.

Story Telling : We help clients tell their climate story with clarity and impact. By understanding your sustainability goals and achievements, we craft a compelling narrative that highlights your environmental commitment. Using data analytics, visual storytelling, and strategic communication, we ensure your story resonates with customers, investors, and the community, enhancing your brand reputation and fostering trust in your sustainability efforts.

 Types of Carbon Inventories

  • A GHG Protocol corporate inventory is a comprehensive accounting of a company's greenhouse gas emissions, following standardized guidelines to ensure accuracy and transparency.

    It includes emissions from direct operations and indirect sources like purchased electricity, helping organizations manage and reduce their carbon footprint.

  • An ISO compliance greenhouse gas inventory follows the ISO 14064-1 standard, which provides guidelines for quantifying and reporting an organization's greenhouse gas emissions and removals.

    This inventory ensures consistency, transparency, and credibility in GHG reporting, helping organizations manage their carbon footprint effectively.

    While similar to a GHG Protocol conformant inventory, an ISO inventory requires a report and an Inventory Management Plan (IMP).

  • A product-level carbon footprint measures the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with the entire lifecycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal.

    This detailed assessment helps businesses identify emission hotspots and opportunities for reducing the carbon intensity of their products.

  • An avoided carbon project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing sustainable practices or technologies that prevent emissions from being released into the atmosphere.

    The avoided carbon is quantified by comparing the actual emissions after project implementation to a baseline scenario that represents the emissions that would have occurred without the project.

  • A carbon handprint measures the positive climate impact of a product or service by quantifying the greenhouse gas emission reductions it enables for its users compared to a baseline scenario.

    It is calculated by subtracting the carbon footprint of the product or service from the carbon footprint of the baseline, with a larger handprint indicating greater environmental benefits.

  • Are your customers asking for the carbon footprint of the products they bought? Our Customer Carbon Footprint Tool allows you to track and allocate the carbon emissions associated with a customer's use of a company's products or services in an easy, efficient, and transparent way. Learn More.

Emission Sources Included in Carbon Inventories

Areas of Specialization

Consumer Goods

Oil & Gas

Live Animal Operations

Renewable Power



Food & Beverage

Plastic Packaging

Carbon Black


Carbon Capture

Waste Management

Electric Vehicles

Pet Food

Emerging Technology

Need a Carbon Inventory?

Our expert team creates industry-leading carbon footprints, delivering precise, actionable insights to drive corporate sustainability and competitive advantage.